Democracy Improvement Ranking 2012*
Democracy Improvement Gain/Loss Democracy Improvement Gain/Loss
Rank Change Score 
2007-2011 2007-2011
1 Tunisia +9 8.1
2 Bangladesh +12 6.3
3 Libya +2 4.1
4 Zambia +2 3.6
5 Pakistan +2 3.6
6 Moldova +8 3.3
7 Tanzania +3 3.1
8 Georgia +9 2.7
9 Togo 0 2.7
10 Kenya +1 2.7
11 Egypt, Arab Rep. +2 2.3
12 Singapore +2 2.2
13 Benin +1 2.1
14 Thailand +4 2.0
15 Macedonia, FYR +5 2.0
16 Belgium +3 1.9
17 Indonesia +2 1.9
18 Philippines +1 1.9
19 Mongolia +3 1.9
20 Brazil +1 1.8
21 Ghana +4 1.6
22 Haiti -2 1.6
23 Lebanon -1 1.5
24 Panama +1 1.4
25 Korea, Rep. +5 1.4
26 India +5 1.4
27 Costa Rica +6 1.3
28 Paraguay +3 1.3
29 Germany +1 1.3
30 Poland +4 1.2
31 Serbia +1 1.2
32 Norway 0 1.1
33 Timor-Leste -3 1.1
34 Guatemala +3 1.1
35 Mauritius 0 1.1
36 Nigeria 0 1.1
37 Bolivia 0 1.0
38 Romania 0 1.0
39 Switzerland 0 1.0
40 Austria +1 1.0
41 Canada +1 0.9
42 Japan +1 0.9
43 Chile +4 0.9
44 Malaysia +1 0.8
45 Uruguay +2 0.8
46 Argentina 0 0.7
47 Croatia +1 0.7
48 Australia -1 0.7
49 China -1 0.7
50 Namibia -2 0.7
51 Senegal +1 0.6
52 Nepal -1 0.6
53 El Salvador +1 0.6
54 Finland 0 0.6
55 Colombia 0 0.5
56 Trinidad and Tobago +1 0.5
57 Albania -1 0.5
58 Lesotho -2 0.5
59 Mozambique -1 0.4
60 Nicaragua -1 0.4
61 Cyprus +2 0.3
62 Armenia -2 0.3
63 Denmark 0 0.3
64 Netherlands 0 0.3
65 Yemen, Rep. -1 0.2
66 United States -1 0.2
67 Kyrgyz Republic -3 0.2
68 Slovenia 0 0.2
69 Kuwait +1 0.2
70 Ireland -1 0.2
71 Bosnia and Herzegovina -1 0.2
72 Portugal 0 0.1
73 Morocco -1 0.1
74 New Zealand 0 0.0
75 Russian Federation -3 0.0
76 Turkey -3 0.0
77 Peru -1 -0.2
78 Jamaica -2 -0.3
79 Sweden 0 -0.4
80 United Kingdom -3 -0.4
81 Israel -1 -0.4
82 Czech Republic -1 -0.4
83 Spain 0 -0.5
84 South Africa -7 -0.5
85 Syrian Arab Republic -1 -0.6
86 Ecuador -1 -0.6
87 Venezuela, RB -7 -0.6
88 Botswana -5 -0.6
89 Slovak Republic +1 -0.7
90 Bulgaria -3 -0.7
91 Estonia -3 -0.9
92 France 0 -1.1
93 Lithuania -4 -1.2
94 Dominican Republic -2 -1.2
95 Guinea-Bissau -3 -1.2
96 Mexico -4 -1.3
97 Greece -2 -1.7
98 Italy -6 -1.7
99 Sri Lanka -6 -1.7
100 Ukraine -8 -1.7
101 Latvia -4 -2.2
102 Honduras -6 -2.3
103 Bahrain -6 -2.5
104 Hungary -5 -2.5
  Green: Country is among the 10 best  Green: Country has gained in rank since the previous period Green: Gain of democracy score
    White: Country's rank has remained stable over the two periods  
  Red: Country is among the 10 worst Red: Country has lost in rank since the previous period Red: Loss of democracy score
Grey: "Virtual scores" for countries,
categorized by Freedom Hous as
"not free" in the years 2010 and 2011.
Tunisia is categorized by Freedom 
House as "partly free" in 2011.
David F. J. Campbell
University of Klagenfurt
Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies (iff)
Institute of Science Communication and Higher Education Research (WIHO) 
Paul Pölzlbauer 
Thorsten D. Barth 
Georg Pölzlbauer 
Recommended citation: Campbell, David F. J. / Paul Pölzlbauer / Thorsten D. Barth / Georg Pölzlbauer (2012). Democracy Improvement Ranking 2012 (Scores). Vienna: Democracy Ranking.
* The Democracy Improvement Ranking 2012 compares the democracy ranking scores of 2007-2008 and 2010-2011.